Family Ministry

"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."- Joshua 24:15b
"Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken."- Ecclesiastes 4:12

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We received His calling to pray for family to be revived to establish His kingdom now and future. The Churches are made by families, when the families revived, the Churches will be set on Fire of God and be dressed like a bride to get ready to welcome her Bridegroom is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Family fellowship: We are inviting all married couple and pre-marriage couples monthly once to pray and seek for His plan and purpose of their families. And also we interceding, teaching and guiding them to live according to the Bible scripture and to enforce the victory of Jesus Christ over their family life. Spirit.

Family Counselling: God has called us to minister to families who are struggling in their married life, by counselling and equipping them to fight against the enemy's strategies against their family to lead fruitful life for His glory. Spirit.

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